New story in progress

My new story ‘In the lap of the Gods’ is a work in progress.  Chapters are to be uploaded soon here and on  This site will show images throughout the story and readers should be aware that my stories are for a mature reader and will contain profanity, sexual language and violent themes.  They will be an alternative universe, so will not be sticking to the original stories/movies completely.  Some characters my be ‘out of character’ and all my own creation. Where plots/lines are borrowed, a disclaimer will state this.  

Obviously I do not own any rights to the Marvel superheroes ‘Avengers’ and only seek to pay homage to the fantastic character/movie creations in the form of my own fantasy stories.  I don’t seek glory or remuneration for such scribblings.

I hope you enjoy reading my stories.  I’ll admit to not being a whizz on the formatting side, so if there’s anything weird about how the layout looks, please let me know.